Thursday, February 28, 2008


Well, I say springish....because the weather changes here like crazy. Yesterday it was sunshine and 53 degrees, today very cloudy and 39 degrees. I start class again on March 3, so I wanted to post again and keep everyone updated because class tends to take up all of my computer time. Kyran and Kegan have recently discovered PBS Kids online and Disney, so they are allotted time during the day too. Amazing to think that a five and four year old can play games on the computer!
We are planning out March and trying to keep busy the last month Jeremy is gone! It truly is amazing that 13 months has come and gone, but in some respects also seems like time has gone slow. St Patrick's Day and Easter will help keep us busy and we are planning activities on Saturdays. For Easter, I am singing in the choir and I have enjoyed that time getting to know new ladies that are on the choir. Starting traditions for your family in the Army has proven to be difficult, but God knows our hearts and will help us persevere.
Soccer will start again soon, so that will get some energy out of Kyran and Kegan. We also plan to start swimming at the Y on Saturdays! Kids are quiet, have to run!
Will post pictures of the kids soon!


Darren said...

In Idaho we too await spring and soccer. The boys are very ready to see the last of the snow melt so they can reclaim their yard.

Talk to you all soon.


Orla said...

I feel I have you all trumped with the slushing we have had recently! But the effects of spring are upon us! This morning we had birds in the yard and I know the flowers are coming soon. Gotta love the miracle spring has on your spirit! Love you! Orla

Jenn - The Army Wife Life said...

So glad for you guys that Jeremy will be home soon!!

Russ said...

Hey Sis :) How are things? I'm just checking things out here, you've got a great site and your pics are awesome! The kids are so cute and growing up fast I see. Where does the time go? Hannah and I want to visit you guys very soon. Maybe we will surprise you this August when my sweet island princess and I are on our way to the land of “Aloha” Hawaii... This past year has been extremely successful but very busy for the both of us so we are looking forward to a little relaxation. God Bless & Prayers. Love, Russell & Hannah

Daniel said...

Hello 5 Mutarts!!!!!

This is the 5 Moores from Clarksville! Evan(8), Aaron(6), Faith(4), and Daniel and Cristy (old enough lol). We look forward to catching up with you guys and wish we had never lost touch! Cristy is home schooling and Daniel is taking college courses (ugh). Daniel talked with Steve Rohoutas the other day. Steve said you guys were all in Korea a few years back; cool stuff!

Our e-mail is
Home number is 931-551-4838
No cell phone.