Saturday, January 26, 2008

An Update

Just wanted to give you all a quick update to the Mutart Family. First of all, sorry for the lack of posts, life seems to get busier and busier. Christmas was good, a little sad with Jeremy being gone, but we made it through. God taught me that rejoicing does not depend on our circumstances and depends all on our hope in Him! We had a crazy ice storm in December and was without power for 3 days, but we ended up being alright. Grandma(Veta) is an expert at not so much, but I try. =) Jeremy is doing well and seems to be in pretty good spirits now that is less then 90 days and he will be home! =) We cant wait! Kids are doing well and getting so big! I have noticed that Kegan has been shooting up lately and has really gotten to look like a little boy and not so much my baby boy anymore. He is a sweet heart and has the cutest dimples! =) Kaylin is talking more then the chatty dolls ever did and is busy keeping up with her brothers. Kyran is doing well in school and is very busy. He keeps us going, soccer season will start in the spring, so that will help! The boys cant wait until daddy comes home to do "man stuff" as they call it! Kaylin always wants to talk to daddy on the phone......hilarious! On another note.....we have gotten a bit of information on Jeremy's next assignment. Looks like we are moving further south to Oklahoma. My first reaction was, " What is in Oklahoma?" I am trying to be positive about this whole thing, it was a total shock to us. I know that God has His hand over all of this, so I am really not worried, just not really looking forward to another move. On a positive note....we will be closer to Josh and Kendrie in TN and Jeremy will not have to go back to Iraq, which is why we were looking for another assignment. I will keep you updated on Jeremy coming home and let you know when he is home. Thank you all for praying for him, I know he has felt them in many ways!


sixwickerts said...

Great to see an update! I was missing your posts :) You will be closer to us in TN too!! Looking forward to seeing you, and praying for Jeremy's safe and speedy return

Darren said...

Hey sis hope things are going well. Talk to you soon.