Thursday, July 12, 2007

Kids Exploration Center Trip

The kids and I decided to take a little trip to the Exploration Center in Wichita, Kansas. We got lost in the big city, but it was worth the wait and frustration of being lost. The kids had a blast doing all kinds of things that teach them about science. They had two exhibits this summer, One entitled, "Flight" and "Bugs in your backyard". The best part, is that I had a teenager with me and there were things for every age group to participate in.

This is Kyran and his paper airplane that the teacher made with him! He got to fly it through a series of targets to see if it flew.

This picture is Kegan kissing a poisonous snake, through the glass, of course.

Mom, Kegan, and Kaylin trying to fly the simulator.

Kaylin riding a simulator horse. She loved it and wouldn't get off.


Sally said...

Looks like you all had an awesome time! I am so glad you and the kids were able to get out and do something fun!

Jenn - The Army Wife Life said...

I can't believe how big your kids are getting! and all that blonde hair is so pretty!

David, Jenn, and Abby said...

That looks like such a fun place! I'll bet the kids had a blast. They are all getting so big!