Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Here is me and SSG Husbands getting ready to fly. And me with crazy monkey.


Dapierre said...

Le transfère...
Un jour que je m'abrutissais à suivre à la tv en direct la guerre du golfe persique,me rongeant les ongles et m'apitoyant sur le sort des pauvres soldats....La voix de la sagesse me dit: laisse donc les loups se dévorer entre eux ... Pendant qu'ils se battent concentre tes énergies à t'épanouir de ton côté .... Un jour, lorsque le feu des interminables batailles sera enfin éteint et que les combattants épuisés rentreront chez-eux, tu pourras prendre la relève et bâtir sur du positif et non sur des ruines encore fumantes...(chaque évènement tragique projette une ombre dont il faut en sortir à tout prix)....Dapierre avec inspiration d'un livre...

Dapierre said...

retournez chez vous,vos femmes vous y attendes...

5Mutarts said...


The kids where all excited to see crazy monkey!=) Ky says he that airplane is cool! You are very much loved and missed!

Lisa, Ky, Kegan, and Kaylin =)

Veta said...

Love the monkey. I expect to see more of him in the coming days. What a great idea and he stands out well against all the cammo stuff. Love you Mom

Anonymous said...

Wow so this man really remembers his French history. Does he forget or just close his eyes to American soldiers who died for his French freeedoms. Or has he never seen Normandy or Omaha Beach? The only thing he is willing to do is run his mouth as he sits safely in his home. The French like to say we are lovers... the only thing they love is $$$. The reason for us to not go into Iraq is so the French had the opportunity to take $$$ out of the Iraqi's back pocket. While American military are the ones who go to support the normal Iraqi's freedoms. You tell me who loves more? I say it is the American.

Terry said...

You look great Jeremy! We are all thinking of you and sending you many great thoughts! We are in the middle of a crazy snow storm right now, they are predicting over a foot just tonight! I will let you know! Well wishes on your journey. Orla